"Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you won't let show."
Over the past few weeks, I've been thinking about this in my friendships. Do I let people see my needs? I almost didn't want to tell people I'm sick, because I don't want them to think I'm complaining or that I'm a baby.
I went to a seminar on Schema Therapy my first week in Kiev, and they taught about different core needs every human being has. There are ways we interpret these needs not being met, which become life traps that are triggered later in life. These are unhealthy, distorted views on reality. (I'd even call them lies from Satan, if you want to take a Biblical perspective.)
I am realizing that one of the big lies I've believed is that my needs are bad, and I shouldn't have any. Since I can't seem NOT to have them, I try to hide these wicked needs so that people don't figure out that there's something wrong with me (another big lie I've believed) for having them, and so won't abandon me or stop loving me (yet another lie).
Yet, as the song talks about, we all have needs. We ALL need somebody to lean on. This means YOU, Shaela.
"Nooooo! I don't need anything. I'm fine! See?" *coughcough, wobble, crash*
And what does this do for my relationships? Keeps them at a safe distance. You can't leave or abandon what you never had. You can't hurt what you can't touch.
And so my heart stays safe, hidden...alone.
Sometimes, it wakes up

reaching out
in the emptiness,
calling for help,
for friendship,
for love...!
But then remembers the
pain of rejection
when it has reached outside
before and been slapped away,
and so curls up with itself
and cries itself
to sleep.
Hmm...amazing that I forget so quickly that I am not alone in these feelings, in these needs. Amazing how quickly I forget the truth.
So, let me try to reach out again, at the risk of being hurt, for the hope of being loved. Let me tell my friends that I need them, that I want them in my life, that I am weak and cannot do this on my own. Let me admit that I have and will fail them, though I wish I hadn't and never will again. Let me ask for their mercy, for their forgiveness, for their love and affection, for I NEED them. And--(I have to believe)--they actually need me, too.
What do you think? Do you have any needs you're afraid to let show? Maybe they've gone unmet in the past...
Thankfully, we can always reach for God, who will never disappoint these needs that draw us back to him.
WOW Shaela, I never have thought that someone could feel almost the exact thoughts and emtions about how I see myself. and although I have attempted to overcome thes thoughts on my own i seem to drown in hurt. As you know I have been dating for the past 4 1/2 months only to see these feeling more and more revealed. I was brought upon the lesson by john Louis on Schemas and was so profound to even learn about myself. I never knew that i had these issue (Because according to being a man. you just dont feel and think about things as the world would put it)Hearing your story makes me feel inspired of what God can turn this lonely deep dark tragedy in me to a miracle story like the others we find in his word. Maybe this is the miracle that God has set for my life time. You know i think God has a miracle story for everyone of us. the Blind Begger was to see , and the man with a legion was to be released from bondage. Maybe just maybe mine or yours will be to be set free from the thought that there is someone who will love us unconditionally. (Aside from God) but just as GOds love is unconditional because he choose to love us at our worst. Thank you for taking time to write this and posting it. May you trip to KIEV be one that finds you seeing Gods power more and more daily. you are in my prayers sister. COngrats on the new dating relationship. Peace through Gods Spirit. Love you Shalea.
ReplyDeleteYour Hermano,
Roberto Antonio-
You're right--there is a point in the story where Jesus touches us, and our life is NEVER the same again! We are HEALED...permanently.
ReplyDeleteGreat insight--thanks for sharing!